The Magnum pleco is one of the so-called Golden Nuggets from Rio Xingu, Brazil. It has a body with very pale golden spots, but the nice golden seam in its fins is a very nice contrast to the dark, olive-coloured body. It’s not as popular as the spotted Golden Nuggets, but it’s still a very nice fish. It’s of course threatened by the damming of the Rio Xingu, although it’s natural habitat is not only limited to the lower Xingu.
Name: Baryancistrus chrysolomus (Rapp Py-Daniel, Zuanon & Ribeiro de Oliveira, 2011)
Trade names: Magnum Pleco, L47
Origin: Rio Xingu, Rio Iriri, Rio Curuá, Brazil
Maximum TL: 25 cm / 10”
Baryancistrus species can be hard to keep when they first arrive in the trade. They are basically meant to be constantly grazing on a biofilm consisting of algae and micro-organisms, so during the time they are on the move from the river to our home aquariums they are often starved to the point of no return. When acclimatized though, they are fairly hardy and easy to keep. They need a varied diet consisting of mostly vegetable matter, and as they grow the males become gradually more territorial and aggressive, especially toward each other. Enough space and places to hide among rocks are necessary, as well as clean, well filtered warm water with lots of oxygen. The Magnum pleco has to the best of my knowledge not yet been bred in captivity.
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