Bergen is a small city on the Norwegian west-coast, a tourist-magnet with fjords, natural sceneries and great seafood. But Bergen is also home to a community of very dedicated fishkeepers! With our fantastic tapwater (and a LOT of rainwater) we are known for being able to breed a large number of fish in our aquariums. Through my line of work I get hold of many rare species, to the delight of my friends in the hobby up here. However, to find new homes for all the offspring being produced is not always easy! There is a limit to the Norwegian ornamental fish market, even when including the whole country, especially for rare fish. So, to spread the word on what is being bred and offered for sale I will list unusual species on this page. These are all either produced by local fishkeepers, or simply fish in need of new homes. There is no way to ship from here, so the buyer must arrange pick-up. Get in touch for more details!

Update: August 2024
Ancistrus sp. L519 (3-4 cm), local bred
Hypancistrus sp. L399 (4-5 cm), local bred
Hypancistrus sp. L475 (3-4 cm) local bred
Geophagus argyrostictus F1 (3-4 cm) local bred