Among all the established forms of Ancistrus in the hobby, few are smaller than this. With its modest size and wormline pattern it’s a very cool little species suitable even for smaller tanks. It’s also a great choice if you’re looking for a Pleco which doesn’t need the warm water required by many other L-numbers out there.
Name: Ancistrus claro (Knaack, 1999)
Trade names: Gold Marble Bristlenose, Wormline Dwarf-Ancistrus, LDA8
Origin: Rio Paraguay, Rio Cuiabá, Rio Claro (Mato Grosso), Brazil
Maximum TL: 10 cm / 4”
This species is not very common in the hobby. It originates from an area where not many fishes are collected for the ornamental trade these days, so most specimens around are captive bred even though the species is allowed for export from Brazil. It prefers clean, oxygen rich water with good current, but it’s not very picky about water parameters and will thrive and even breed in regular tap water.
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