L387 is perhaps the nicest of the Ancistomus species. It has a deep, orange colour covered in black spots on its head and stripes/blotches on its back. It’s a rare import from Colombia, but luckily there are breeders out there who contribute to the existence of the species in our hobby. It has a great potential to become a popular L-number even among less experienced aquarists due to its hardiness, small size and good looks.
Name: Ancistomus sp. L387
Trade names: L387
Origin: Rio Meta, Rio Cinaruco, Colombia.
Maximum size: 13 cm / 5”
This species is rare. It first came in as bycatch together with L147 and L340, and later even on its own in limited numbers. It’s called Peckoltia by some aquarists and is among the smaller Ancistomus species. In aquarium L387 is an easy to keep omnivore, that should be fed a various diet and kept under normal good conditions with good water hygiene. Adult males are territorial towards each other and can be told apart from the females by their bigger, broader head and more excessive odontodal growth.
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