L147 used to be a regular export from Colombia, but in recent years it has more or less disappeared from the trade. This is surely partly due to the fact that it’s not among the most popular L-numbers because of its fairly modest appearance, at least when compared to many of the striking alternatives available. It’s still a fairly attractive species, with dark spots gradually decreasing in size towards the head covering a light brown body.
Name: Ancistomus sp.L147
Trade names: L147
Origin: Rio Meta, Colombia. Rio Orinoco, Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela.
Maximum size: 18 cm / 7”
It looks quite a bit like L387 from the same area in Colombia, but L147 grows bigger and has a less striking colouration. The pale colour is not as orange as with L387. L147 is an easy to keep omnivore, that should be fed a various diet and kept under normal good conditions with good water hygiene. Adult males are territorial towards each other, and an be told apart from the females by their bigger, broader head and more excessive odontodal growth. They need some space due to their size as adult.
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