L243 is another fairly regular export from Colombia. In older literature you’ll find pictures of young L243 labeled “Hypancistrus sp.”, which tells we’re dealing with one of the most attractive species of Ancistomus here. The Colombian exporters don’t seem to really know what to call them, but usually they are found in a mix with L202, Peckoltia lineola. Nonetheless, L243 is a great find if one should be so lucky. There are individuals with such a contrasting pattern that they sure do rival the famous Xingu types of Hypancistrus for their looks. Then again, most L243 are slightly more modest in their appearance. Still a beautiful fish, and quite hardy too.
Name: Ancistomus wernekei (Armbruster & Lujan, 2016)
Trade names: L243
Origin: Rio Ventuari, Venezuela.
Maximum size: 20 cm / 8”
L243 is an easy to keep omnivore, which should be fed a various diet and kept under normal good conditions with good water hygiene. Adult males are territorial towards each other, and and be told apart from the females by their bigger, broader head and more excessive odontodal growth. They need some space due to their size as adult.
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